Running Solaris 8 and 9 under the QEMU SPARC32 Emulator

One of the really cool features of QEMU (Quick Emulator) is that it can emulate CPU architectures other than x86-64, such as PowerPC, AArch64, and SPARC. In my experimentation with Solaris, I’ve really wanted to try the SPARC and SPARC64 emulators with Solaris, and do something similar to this article: Build your own SPARC workstation with QEMU and Solaris. However, I really wanted to do this with Solaris 8/9/10, as 2.6 is more limited in what you can do with it. In particular, I wanted to run Solaris 8 in this, as installing 8 in VirtualBox is a hassle, with barely-functional graphics. In the end, I was only able to run Solaris in the 32-bit emulator, which emulates a SPARCstation 5 by default. The SPARC64 emulator can only run BSD and Linux variants, and not Solaris. In the future, I intend on writing another post on the SPARC64 emulator.

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Installing Sudo and using Ansible to manage Solaris 9

Since I’ve started experimenting with Solaris in my home lab, I’ve really wanted to try managing systems with some sort of configuration management software. I originally thought about trying Rex, a Perl configuration management tool, but I’ve yet to take the time to learn it. I do, however, know Ansible, and it came as a welcome surprise to me that I can install Python, which is needed by Ansible, on Solaris without having to go through the hassle of compiling it from source. This is because Python can be installed using the pkgutil tool from OpenCSW. In addition, the community.general collection in Ansible includes a pkgutil module that allows Yum/Apt-like package management. One day I decided to see if Ansible would work on Solaris.

Note: your results may vary in following these directions; I can’t guarantee that they will work for you.

Prepare Solaris 9 for Ansible

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Installing AlmaLinux 9 on a DL360 G7 and other stuff

Recently I borrowed a pair of HP DL360 G7 servers from the office that had been decommissioned and are eventually destined for the e-waste bin. The servers are from 2011 and have little practical use in 2025, either in production or as lab systems, as they are slow and power-hungry. Still, I thought they would be fun to tinker with at home for at least a little while.

The latest and greatest from 2011

The top server has two CPUs and 72GB of RAM, while the bottom one has one CPU and only 4GB of RAM. The top one has a bunch of old laptop SATA drives in it (two of which are dead), while the bottom one has HP Enterprise SAS drives, all of which still function, in a RAID 1+0 array. I started with the bottom one.

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Configuring LDAP Authentication on Solaris 8/9/10

When I recently started getting back into Solaris, one of the things I wanted to get working was LDAP authentication, so that I can log into systems with the same set of credentials like in a business environment. As with most Solaris tasks, the information on how to set this up is scarce on the Internet, especially for Solaris 8 and 9.

I already had three LDAP instances set up in my lab environment: a primary instance and two replicas. This post will not cover the setup of these, but all three are AlmaLinux 9 containers running OpenLDAP 2.6. The replicas have been configured to allow non-SSL connections to them, for the purpose of authenticating legacy operating systems such as Solaris. I don’t recommend allowing this in a production environment of course. Perhaps at a later date I will work on configuring Solaris to connect to OpenLDAP via SSL, but even this will require allowing insecure versions of SSL/TLS.

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Installing OpenSSH on Solaris 8 x86

As mentioned in a previous post, I recently purchased a SunBlade 100 workstation off eBay. The first operating system I installed on it was Solaris 8, as this was the only version of Solaris I had CD ISOs for and it only has a CD-ROM drive (later I was able to install Solaris 9 on it over the network). I was disappointed to find out that Solaris 8 didn’t come with OpenSSH preinstalled; it wasn’t until Solaris 9 that SSH was installed with the base OS. I also had an x86 Solaris 8 virtual machine running in VirtualBox that I wanted to be able to access from my Linux systems (installed using the steps here: I decided to try installing OpenSSH on the VM first, as I could take snapshots and revert to a working state if a step failed. Prior to starting these steps, I applied the below patches per mac-65’s guide:

  • The Solaris 8 x86 recommended patch cluster, found here.
  • Patch 112439-02, which provides /dev/random and /dev/urandom (needed to generate SSH keys), found here.

I didn’t have to apply any patches to my SunBlade 100.

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Back to blogging in 2025

It’s been nearly four years since I’ve posted anything to this blog. In that span of time, I have learned so many new skills and systems administrator “hacks”, to the point that this blog seems to represent a version of myself several major releases old.

Back when I last posted to this blog, I was still new to Ansible, while still clinging to and believing in the superiority of Puppet. I’ve since warmed to Ansible and now use it for practically all of my configuration management, even having passed the RHCE, which tests primary on one’s Ansible knowledge. Meanwhile, I haven’t written Puppet code in at least three years.

I’ve also recently gained an interest in “retro” server computing, that is Unix and Linux (and possibly some Windows) from the late 90s to the late 2000s. The first job I had where I interacted with *nix systems had a mixture of RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 and Solaris 8/10 systems. Being a 24-year-old who had mostly experimented with Ubuntu and Fedora, I hated working on the Solaris systems, particularly the SunBlade 150 workstation I was given in a broken state and told to fix before I could “graduate” to the Unix support team. After fixing it, I was told to use it as my secondary desktop. I hated it: the ugly gray and purple case, the dated Window 3.1-like CDE UI, and the out-of-date software, having to compile many tools I wanted from source. When I had a chance to inherit a departing coworker’s x86 desktop running RHEL 5 (which I also found dated), I wasted no time in kicking the SB-150 out of my cubicle.

It would probably come as a surprise to my past self, then, that at age 37 I would willingly purchase another SunBlade workstation off eBay, an SB-100 with 50 less Mhz. Why would I willingly subject myself to such pain, when Solaris has become almost a memory? I suppose after a certain period of time, maybe 20 years or so, old and slow becomes cool again, sort of like 80s and 90s cars (well, for some people anyway). For me, getting old stuff to work has always been a delightful and brain-stimulating challenge.

What I’ve found, however, is that information on how to get things working on Solaris is scarce and scattered througout the Internet, and mostly pertains to Solaris 10 or newer. In this blog I’d like to—attempt to at least—share what I’ve learned. It will probably be of use to very few people, but there is always the chance it might help someone.

In sum: going forward, this blog might contain some posts on new stuff, old stuff, or I may just stop posting to it altogether like I usually do.

Matt Ridpath

Prepare a Jenkins Docker Build Node with Ansible

Recently I have started to take more time to learn Ansible, building role-based projects similar to what I’ve always done with Puppet, as opposed to simple monolithic playbooks. I still believe Puppet is superior to Ansible when a host has a long list of items to be managed, whereas Ansible excels for more narrowly-scoped tasks such as pushing some files out and restarting a service. However, I’m sure that most would disagree with me, and in my lab I have chosen to use Ansible for most tasks in keeping with the latest trend. For this case, I created a simple Ansible project to set up a CentOS/EL8 Jenkins build node running Docker. The directory structure of this project is below:

├── inventory
├── jenkins_build.yml
├── roles
    ├── docker
    │   └── tasks
    │       ├── install.yml
    │       ├── main.yml
    │       └── service.yml
    ├── jenkins_node
        ├── files
        │   └──
        └── tasks
            ├── install.yml
            ├── main.yml
            └── user.yml

First, I created a simple inventory file. The inventory just has one host for now with no variables.


I then created a simple playbook, jenkins_build.yml, that includes the two roles I need.

- hosts: jenkins_build
    - docker
    - jenkins_node

Next, I created the roles with mkdir -p roles/docker/tasks and mkdir -p roles/jenkins_node/{tasks,files}. This project is extremely simple; it does not use templates, variables, handlers, etc. and probably could have just used a monolithic playbook for brevity’s sake. However, I decided to use the full directory structure so that the roles could be reused later.

First, I’ll go over the Docker role. All it does is install the docker-ce packages from Docker and ensures that the service is running. The install yml file also needs to install the Docker GPG key:

# install.yml
  - rpm_key: state=present key=

  - yum_repository:
      name: docker-ce-stable
      description: Docker CE Stable - $basearch
      gpgcheck: yes

  - yum: name=docker-ce state=installed

# service.yml
  - service: name=docker state=started enabled=yes

main.yml includes both of the above:

  - include: install.yml
  - include: service.yml

Next, the Jenkins node role: this role installs the required packages and creates the jenkins user. First, you will need a generate a password hash for the Jenkins user. To do so, execute the below Python one-liner:

python -c 'import crypt,getpass;pw=getpass.getpass();print(crypt.crypt(pw) if (pw==getpass.getpass("Confirm: ")) else exit())'

Then include the resulting hash in your user.yml file:

  - user:
      name: jenkins
      state: present
      password: 'hash'
      group: users
        - docker
  - ansible.posix.authorized_key:
      user: jenkins
      key: "{{ lookup('file', '') }}"
      state: present

If you want your Jenkins server to connect to the node using an SSH key, you will need to place the public key in a file located in files. I created this file as Then create the .yml files that install the necessary packages and include the tasks.

# install.yml
  - yum:
        - git
        - java-1.8.0-openjdk
      state: installed

# main.yml
  - include: install.yml
  - include: user.yml

Finally, run the playbook against the Jenkins build node from a host with Ansible installed. You might want to run it first with the -C option to ensure that it does what you expect it to do:

ansible-playbook -Kkb -i inventory -D jenkins_build.yml

If this was successful, you should then be able to add the node to Jenkins, located at Dashboard > Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes and Clouds > New Node:

Setting up a Jenkins build node. The Labels section is optional, but is a method of restricting on which node a job can be run.

This concludes my blog post. This is a rather simple Ansible task, but demonstrates a use case for it, especially if you are setting up a bunch of build nodes for Jenkins. In my next post I will show how I configured a Jenkins job to build an RPM in a Docker container on the node I added here.

A few notes on building Hyper-V systems out of Foreman

I use Foreman for provisioning systems in both my lab and at work. For the most part I’ve had success over the years kickstarting CentOS/Enterprise Linux systems from Foreman using both PXE booting and the lightweight iPXE ISO. These include various generations of HP servers, custom-built desktops, and the following virtual machine types: Virtual Box, KVM, Xen, and VMWare. However, I have had a little more difficulty with Microsoft Hyper-V, but I have managed to get it to work on both Generation 1 and 2 VM types. In this post I will share some of my tips for getting this to work. This is not meant to be an in-depth guide. It assumes that you have a working Foreman installation running the latest release.

First of all, PXE booting does in fact work with Hyper-V. You will, however, need to choose the Generation 1 VM type and ensure that the NIC is a “Legacy Network Adapter.” It’s quite probable that a legacy NIC provides worse performance than a standard NIC, similar to how an E1000 NIC is inferior to a VMXNET3 NIC in VMWare. But for lab purposes it’s probably fine.

Generation 1 VM with Legacy NIC settings

It’s pretty clear that Microsoft intended the Generation 1 VM to be as “legacy” as possible. I find it amusing that it even emulates COM ports and a diskette drive. In any case, this is the only configuration from which I’ve been able to PXE boot a system from Foreman. For all other scenarios, I had to use the full boot ISO. The lightweight “host” ISO has not worked in my experience with Hyper-V (but works fine with other virtualization implementations of course).

Full disclaimer: I’ve only tested this with the current version of Foreman (as of this writing, 2.3). I don’t know if you can kickstart Hyper-V systems off the earlier versions of Foreman, though EFI boot disk functionality was added in 2.1 (EFI is required for a Generation 2 VM). When my organization was on Foreman 1.18, the only method that seemed to work for my Hyper-V administrator was to use a custom ISO I had generated from the Enterprise Linux 7 boot disk. However, with version 2.3 I can build both generation 1 and 2 VMs using the full boot disk.

The Foreman Boot Disk drop down. My experience is that only the full host image works.

Before creating your host, you will need to have the following template types associated with your host’s operating system version: Provisioning (your Kickstart file), PXELinux, iPXE, and PXEGrub2. This has always been annoying to do in Foreman, because you have to first make the template available to the OS under Provisioning Templates > template > Associate, then enable it at Operating Systems > OS > Templates.

In addition, if you are going to build a Generate 2 VM, you will need to include an EFI partition in your partition table.

A Foreman partition table for EL7 or greater, with an EFI partition.

Once these prerequisites have been met, you should be ready to create your VM. When creating a Generation 2 VM in Hyper-V, make sure to disable Secure Boot. Otherwise, the default settings should be sufficient.

Hyper-V Generation 2 VM settings for a Linux VM

Over in Foreman, the steps for creating a host are mostly the same as with other virtualization types. Under the Operating System tab: for your PXE loader, choose PXELinux BIOS for a Generation 1 VM or Grub2 UEFI for a Generation 2 VM.

Fill out all the remaining required fields and click Submit at the bottom of the page. If the host saves correctly, you should then be able to download the full ISO, mount it to your Hyper-V virtual machine, and Kickstart a VM from it.

I hope you’ve found these tips to be useful, if you’ve encountered a need to build Hyper-V VMs out of Foreman. I should mention also that I performed all my testing on a Windows 10 system and not with the server implementations of Hyper-V.

Build an RPM of the Mongo C Driver for CentOS 7

Greetings! It has been a while since I’ve posted anything in my systems administration blog. In this post I will describe my process for building a newer version of the Mongo C driver for Enterprise Linux/CentOS 7. These steps were also performed on an Enterprise Linux 6 system, but this post will focus on EL7 solely.

Last year I was asked by a developer to obtain a newer version of the Mongo C Driver for CentOS 7, as the one currently available in the EPEL repository, 1.3.6, does not support the most recent versions of MongoDB. I could not find a guide on the Internet for building an RPM of the newer version, so I was required to piece together a solution on my own. Originally I built the package on a build virtual machine; however, I later chose to use Docker, as the package requires several dependencies and I did not want to break anything on the build server. This example uses Docker, but it should work on a standard CentOS system as well.

To begin, I obtained a spec file for the latest mongo-c-driver, for Fedora. At the time I used the FC34 mongo-c-driver-1.17.1-1 SRPM from Remi’s RPM repository and modified it to make it to work on CentOS 6 and 7. All credit goes to Remi Collet; I merely adapted this spec file for my own needs. Expand the below to see the example spec file:

# remirepo spec file for mongo-c-driver
# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Remi Collet
# License: CC-BY-SA
%global gh_owner     mongodb
%global gh_project   mongo-c-driver
%global libname      libmongoc
%global libver       1.0
%global up_version   1.17.4
#global up_prever    rc0
# disabled as require a MongoDB server
%bcond_with          tests

Name:      mongo-c-driver
Summary:   Client library written in C for MongoDB
Version:   %{up_version}%{?up_prever:~%{up_prever}}
Release:   1%{?dist}
License:   ASL 2.0 and ISC and MIT and zlib


BuildRequires: cmake3
BuildRequires: gcc
# pkg-config may pull compat-openssl10
BuildRequires: openssl-devel
%if %{with tests}
BuildRequires: mongodb-server
BuildRequires: openssl
# From man pages

Requires:   %{name}-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:   libmongocrypt
# Sub package removed
Obsoletes:  %{name}-tools         < 1.3.0
Provides:   %{name}-tools         = %{version}
Provides:   %{name}-tools%{?_isa} = %{version}

%{name} is a client library written in C for MongoDB.

%package libs
Summary:    Shared libraries for %{name}

%description libs
This package contains the shared libraries for %{name}.

%package devel
Summary:    Header files and development libraries for %{name}
Requires:   %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:   pkgconfig
Requires:   pkgconfig(libzstd)
Requires:   libmongocrypt

%description devel
This package contains the header files and development libraries
for %{name}.


%package -n libbson
Summary:    Building, parsing, and iterating BSON documents
# Modified (with bson allocator and some warning fixes and huge indentation
# refactoring) jsonsl is bundled .
# jsonsl upstream likes copylib approach and does not plan a release
# .
Provides:   bundled(jsonsl)

%description -n libbson
This is a library providing useful routines related to building, parsing,
and iterating BSON documents .

%package -n libbson-devel
Summary:    Development files for %{name}
Requires:   libbson%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:   pkgconfig

%description -n libbson-devel
This package contains libraries and header files needed for developing
applications that use %{name}.


%setup -q -n %{gh_project}-%{up_version}%{?up_prever:-%{up_prever}}

%cmake3 \
%if %{with tests}
    -S .

%if 0%{?cmake_build:1}
make %{?_smp_mflags}

%if 0%{?cmake_install:1}
make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}

: Static library
rm -f  %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.a
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/cmake/*static*
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/*static*
: Documentation
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}


%if %{with tests}
: Run a server
mkdir dbtest
mongod \
  --journal \
  --ipv6 \
  --unixSocketPrefix /tmp \
  --logpath     $PWD/server.log \
  --pidfilepath $PWD/ \
  --dbpath      $PWD/dbtest \

: Run the test suite

make check || ret=1

: Cleanup
[ -s ] && kill $(cat

if grep -r static %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/cmake; then
  : cmake configuration file contain reference to static library
exit $ret


%files libs
%{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}
%license COPYING

%files devel
%doc src/%{libname}/examples
%doc NEWS

%files -n libbson
%license COPYING

%files -n libbson-devel
%doc src/libbson/examples
%doc src/libbson/NEWS

I placed this spec file in a work directory, then downloaded the mongo-c-driver tarball from into the same work directory. I also created two Yum repo files for installing some of the dependencies for the build. These were libmongocrypt and MongoDB (I chose to install version 4.0):

name=libmongocrypt repository

name=MongoDB Repository

Next, I created a Dockerfile in the work directory that installs the required dependencies and builds the image.

FROM centos:7
COPY libmongocrypt.repo /etc/yum.repos.d
COPY mongodb.repo /etc/yum.repos.d
RUN yum install -y epel-release
RUN yum install -y rpm-build icu libicu-devel python-sphinx python2-sphinx snappy cmake3 libzstd-devel libmongocrypt mongodb-org-server gcc openssl-devel cyrus-sasl-devel
COPY mongo-c-driver-*.tar.gz rpmbuild/SOURCES
COPY mongo-c-driver.spec rpmbuild/SPECS

Now the container image can be built:

sudo docker build --pull -t="matt/mongo-c-driver" .

Next, I created a directory for the container to mount as a pass-through volume, so that it has a location to copy the finished RPMs into. I chose to create an “artifacts” directory within my work directory, as this task would later be turned into a Jenkins job. You can chose another location, however. The option follows the format of -v <local_dir>:<container_dir>. Once the directory had been created, I ran the container to build the RPMs:

sudo docker run --rm -v $HOME/mongo-c-driver/artifacts:/artifacts matt/mongo-c-driver /bin/bash -c "cd rpmbuild/SPECS && rpmbuild -ba mongo-c-driver.spec && cp ../RPMS/x86_64/*.rpm /artifacts"

If the RPM builds successfully, the RPMs should be dropped into the specified local directory in the -v option and made available for installation.

matt@docker:~$ ls mongo-c-driver/artifacts/

In a future post, I will show how I turned this task into a Jenkins job, so that one can build these packages regularly as new versions are released.

Finally, a disclaimer: I’m not an expert on Docker or building RPMs. Someone else more than likely has a better solution for achieving this end result. Rather, I would merely like to share how I arrived at a solution for building these packages and hope it will save someone else the trial and error I went through.


1) Remi Collet for providing the spec file to modify for this task:
2) mongo-c-driver contributors and authors for providing the source tarball:
3) This guide for providing an example of how to build RPMs with Docker:

Set up Percona pt-heartbeat for Monitoring of MySQL Replication

In general, for monitoring standard MySQL replication, it is common practice to check the Seconds_Behind_Master variable. There are cases, however, where the Seconds_Behind_Master can have a low number, but replication is in fact broken. For checking this more accurately, Percona has written a program called pt-heartbeat, which continuously inserts timestamped data into a single row in a single table on the master and verifies the data on the slave. More information about the program itself can be found in the guide here. pt-heartbeat is compatible with all forks of MySQL, including MariaDB, Percona, and MySQL Community Edition. In this post, I will explain how you can configure this using Puppet and Nagios on a CentOS 6 system (it should be noted that Zabbix can be used for this as well).

One of the critical prerequisites for setting up pt-heartbeat monitoring is that both the master and the slave(s) have their clocks properly synchronized with NTP. If you’re using Puppet, an easy way of managing this is to use the puppetlabs/ntp Forge module. An out-of-sync system clock can result in a skew of the seconds of delay count. This guide also uses Nagios and NRPE with exported configurations through PuppetDB in the example code. However, this is not necessary in order to monitor pt-heartbeat. You would just leave off the “@@nagios_service” resources in your Puppet manifests. Finally, this assumes that you are using the puppetlabs/mysql Forge module to manage MySQL on the server. It is possible, however, to use this example with a manually-configured MySQL server; you will need to add the user account and database manually, though.

For this example, I have placed all Puppet files and manifests for pt-heartbeat under a “percona” module. Note: for this example, init.pp is not actually in use and is empty. Below is the directory tree:

├── files
│   ├── heartbeat_master_cfg
│   ├── nrpe_pt_heartbeat_proc
│   └── pt-heartbeat_init
├── manifests
│   ├── heartbeat
│   │   ├── master.pp
│   │   └── slave.pp
│   ├── heartbeat.pp
│   ├── init.pp
│   ├── params.pp
│   └── repo.pp
└── templates
    ├── heartbeat_setup.sql.erb
    └── nrpe_check_mysql_repl.erb

Before setting up anything, you will need Percona’s Yum repository installed on the master and on the slaves. In this guide, it is managed by the percona::repo manifest:

class percona::repo {

  yumrepo { 'percona':
    baseurl    => "${::operatingsystemmajrelease}/os/x86_64/",
    mirrorlist => absent,
    descr      => 'Percona',
    gpgcheck   => 0,


The sole purpose of the percona::heartbeat manifest is to install the required packages, in this case the Percona Toolkit, which contains the pt-heartbeat program, and Percona’s Nagios Plugins:

class percona::heartbeat {

  include percona::repo

  package { [ 'percona-toolkit', 'percona-nagios-plugins' ]:
    ensure  => present,
    require => Yumrepo['percona'],


Now create a percona::params class that reads the require parameters in from Hiera:

class percona::params {

  $master_server_id   = hiera(master_server_id, undef)
  $heartbeat_mysql_pw = hiera(heartbeat_mysql_pw, undef)
  $mysql_repl_pw      = hiera(mysql_repl_pw, undef)
  $server_id          = hiera(mysql_server_id, undef)


Before continuing, I will attempt to explain the purpose of the above parameters. The $heartbeat_mysql_pw parameter is the password of the heartbeat account that will be used to insert rows into and query the Heartbeat database and table. The $mysql_repl_pw parameter is the password of the account that you use for replication between your master and slave. I chose this account because the pmp-check-mysql-replication-running Nagios plugin requires either the SUPER or REPLICATION CLIENT privilege and this account has the latter. If you so choose, you can also use the root account for this, but I personally try to minimize usage of the root account. As recommended in previous posts, you should encrypt your passwords that you store in Hiera with hiera-eyaml. The $server_id parameter is the server_id of the master running the pt-heartbeat daemon, while $master_server_id is the server_id of the master the Nagios plugin will be checking against on the slave. So why are these not one and the same? This is because there are a number of scenarios where a master may also be a slave, and you may also want to check the replication lag on it. However, if you just have a single master in your server topology, you can probably combine these two parameters.

Now that the params class has been created, we can then proceed to creating the classes for the master and slave configurations. The class percona::heartbeat::master contains all of the resources required to configure pt-heartbeat on your master:

class percona::heartbeat::master (
  $heartbeat_mysql_pw = $percona::params::heartbeat_mysql_pw,
  $server_id          = $percona::params::server_id,
) inherits percona::params {

  include percona::heartbeat

  file { '/usr/local/etc/heartbeat_setup.sql':
    ensure  => file,
    content => template('percona/heartbeat_setup.sql.erb'),

  ::mysql::db { 'heartbeat':
    ensure   => present,
    user     => 'heartbeat',
    password => $heartbeat_mysql_pw,
    host     => 'localhost',
    grant    => 'SELECT',
    sql      => '/usr/local/etc/heartbeat_setup.sql',
    require  => File['/usr/local/etc/heartbeat_setup.sql'],

  file { '/etc/pt-heartbeat':
    ensure  => file,
    source  => 'puppet:///modules/percona/heartbeat_master_cfg',
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => 'root',
    mode    => '0600',
    require => Mysql::Db['heartbeat'],
    notify  => Service['pt-heartbeat'],

  file { '/etc/init.d/pt-heartbeat':
    ensure  => file,
    mode    => '0755',
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => 'root',
    source  => 'puppet:///modules/percona/pt-heartbeat_init',
    require => Package['percona-toolkit'],

  service { 'pt-heartbeat':
    ensure  => running,
    enable  => true,
    require => File['/etc/init.d/pt-heartbeat'],

  file { '/etc/nrpe.d/check_pt_heartbeat_proc.cfg':
    ensure  => file,
    source  => 'puppet:///modules/percona/nrpe_pt_heartbeat_proc',
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => 'nrpe',
    mode    => '0640',
    require => File['/etc/nrpe.d'],
    notify  => Service['nrpe'],

  @@nagios_service { "check_pt_heartbeat_proc_${::hostname}":
    check_command       => 'check_nrpe!check_pt_heartbeat_proc',
    use                 => 'generic-service',
    host_name           => $::fqdn,
    notification_period => '24x7',
    service_description => 'pt-heartbeat Process',
    max_check_attempts  => 3,


First, the class reads in the necessary parameters. Second, it pushes out the SQL file that creates the database and table that are required for pt-heartbeat. In this example, the template for this is located at templates/heartbeat_setup.sql.erb, with the below content:


CREATE TABLE `heartbeat` (
  `ts` varchar(26) NOT NULL,
  `server_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `file` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `position` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `relay_master_log_file` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `exec_master_log_pos` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`server_id`)

LOCK TABLES `heartbeat` WRITE;
INSERT INTO `heartbeat` (ts, server_id) VALUES (NOW(), <%= @server_id %>);

Once this SQL file is available on the master, the mysql::db provider can then create the heartbeat database and user, and execute the SQL. Following this, the manifest pushes out the configuration file used by pt-heartbeat script itself. For my example, this will be located at /etc/pt-heartbeat on the master and will contain the following content:


You can also specify these settings as command line options when running pt-heartbeat. I prefer, however, to have these in a separate file when using an init script. When starting up pt-heartbeat on boot, you could have it set to start in /etc/rc.local or anacron. However, the proper way of doing this would be to have it run as an init script, as in this example. Below is my simple init script (parts of this script were borrowed from the article here):

# description: pt-heartbeat server init script
# Get function from functions library
. /etc/init.d/functions
# Start the service pt-heartbeat
start() {
        if [ ! -f '/etc/pt-heartbeat' ] ; then
            echo "Configuration file not found. Exiting ..."
            exit 1
        echo -n "Starting pt-heartbeat service: "
        pt-heartbeat --config /etc/pt-heartbeat --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf --daemonize
        ### Create the lock file ###
        touch /var/lock/subsys/pt-heartbeat
        success $"pt-heartbeat service startup"
# Restart the service pt-heartbeat
stop() {
        echo -n "Stopping pt-heartbeat service: "
        kill `cat /var/run/`
        ### Now, delete the lock and pid files ###
	rm -f /var/run/
        rm -f /var/lock/subsys/pt-heartbeat
        success $"pt-heartbeat service shutdown"
### main logic ###
case "$1" in
	status -p /var/run/ -l pt-heartbeat pt-heartbeat
        echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
        exit 1
exit 0

Note that this example requires that the root credentials be stored in /root/.my.cnf, which in this example is managed by the puppetlabs/mysql Forge module.

Optionally, you can have NRPE and Nagios check periodically for the pt-heartbeat process. Note, however, your slave will complain as well if this isn’t running. Below is the NRPE check, located in /etc/nrpe.d/check_pt_heartbeat_proc.cfg:

command[check_pt_heartbeat_proc]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_procs -c 1:1 -a '/usr/bin/pt-heartbeat'

Once you have created the above files, templates, and manifests, include the percona::heartbeat::master class in your master’s catalog and trigger a Puppet run on it. If everything was created successfully and the pt-heartbeat service is running, you should be able to connect to MySQL and run the below query. The timestamp in the “ts” column should be constantly updating:

mysql> SELECT ts FROM heartbeat.heartbeat;
| ts                         |
| 2015-09-15T09:03:00.003470 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Now we can proceed to setting up the checks on the slave. First, create the class containing all of the resources needed to configure the slave:

class percona::heartbeat::slave (
  $heartbeat_mysql_pw = $percona::params::heartbeat_mysql_pw,
  $mysql_repl_pw      = $percona::params::mysql_repl_pw,
  $master_server_id   = $percona::params::master_server_id,
) inherits percona::params {

  include percona::heartbeat

  file { '/etc/nrpe.d/check_mysql_repl.cfg':
    ensure  => file,
    content => template('percona/nrpe_check_mysql_repl.erb'),
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => 'nrpe',
    mode    => '0640',
    require => File['/etc/nrpe.d'],
    notify  => Service['nrpe'],

  @@nagios_service { "check_mysql_repl_delay_${::hostname}":
    check_command       => 'check_nrpe!check_mysql_repl_delay',
    use                 => 'generic-service',
    host_name           => $::fqdn,
    notification_period => '24x7',
    service_description => 'MySQL Replication Delay',
    max_check_attempts  => 3,

  @@nagios_service { "check_mysql_repl_running_${::hostname}":
    check_command       => 'check_nrpe!check_mysql_repl_running',
    use                 => 'generic-service',
    host_name           => $::fqdn,
    notification_period => '24x7',
    service_description => 'MySQL Replication Running',
    max_check_attempts  => 3,


Unlike the class for the master, only a single file is needed to configure the slave, /etc/nrpe.d/check_mysql_repl.cfg. The template for this contains the below content:

command[check_mysql_repl_delay]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/pmp-check-mysql-replication-delay -H localhost -l heartbeat -p <%= @heartbeat_mysql_pw %> -T heartbeat.heartbeat -s <%= @master_server_id %>
command[check_mysql_repl_running]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/pmp-check-mysql-replication-running -H localhost -l repl -p <%= @mysql_repl_pw %>

The top NRPE command, check_mysql_repl_delay, executes Percona’s replication delay plugin. This compares the time stamp in the heartbeat table to the system time and throws a warning or an error depending on how many seconds behind it is. You can optionally specify the warning and critical second thresholds with the -w and -c options, respectively. The defaults are 300 seconds as the warning threshold. and 600 seconds as the critical threshold. The bottom command, check_mysql_repl_running, checks if replication is running and if not, alerts Nagios.

One additional note: if you are running MySQL version 5.6 or later, the pmp-check-mysql-replication-delay will complain if you specify the password in the NRPE command; in Nagios, it will display the message, “Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure”, even if the check itself is green. The solution is to create a file located at /etc/nagios/my.cnf that contains the user name and password of the heartbeat account:

# /etc/nagios/my.cnf file resource
  file { '/etc/nagios/my.cnf':
    ensure  => file,
    content => template('percona/nagios_my_cnf.erb'),
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => 'nrpe',
    mode    => '0640',
    require => Package['nrpe'],

# templates/nagios_my_cnf.erb
password='<%= @heartbeat_mysql_pw %>'

# check_mysql_repl_delay command
command[check_mysql_repl_delay]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/pmp-check-mysql-replication-delay --defaults-file /etc/nagios/my.cnf -T heartbeat.heartbeat -s <%= @master_server_id %>

Include the percona::heartbeat::slave class in your slave’s catalog and trigger a Puppet run on it. If you’re using exported resources to manage your Nagios configuration, the two Nagios checks should be automatically configured on your Nagios server. MySQL replication is now being monitored more accurately with pt-heartbeat and Nagios.